Sunday, February 2, 2020


This satisfying nutritious pudding is a healthy way to start your day.

Chia Seed Benefits:
Packed with protein, fibre, antioxidants and minerals, the omega-3 molecule is unique in its ability to rapidly change its shape. This exceptional flexibility of omega-3's is passed to organs that absorb it. Omega-3s thin the blood of humans and animals as well as the sap of plants. As a result of these qualities, omega-3's are utilized by the fastest functioning organs in the body. For example, omega-3's enable our hearts to beat properly, our blood to flow freely, our eyes to see, and our brains to make decisions faster and more clearly.

The omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, serve the opposite function: they thicken the blood of humans and animals as well as the juices of plants. Omega-6's solidify and cause inflammation of the tissues. Some scientists link an excess of omega-6's in the human diet with such conditions as heart disease, stroke, arthritis, asthma, menstrual cramps, diabetes, headaches, and tumor metastases. 

Total Omega-3 fatty acids in 1 ounce    4915 mg (3 times) more omega 3's
Total Omega-6 fatty acids in 1 ounce    1620 mg 

Fig Benefits:  calcium promoting bone density; iron for energy; dietary fibre to nourish and tone intestines; potassium for lowering blood pressure; magnesium is nerve and muscle relaxer; highly alkaline to balance body pH levels; B vitamins which are nerve tonics; have anti-diabetic properties to help stabilize blood sugar and explains why they are good at curbing sugar cravings.

Chia Omega Pudding
Yield:  3/4 cup
1 Tbsp Chia seeds
1/4 cup water
2 large Calimyrna Figs, chopped
1 banana
1 tsp raw carob powder
Cinnamon - optional 

  • Soak Chia seeds in 1/4 cup water for 15 minutes until it thickens into a gel
  • Soak Figs separately in enough water to cover for 15 minutes and save the soak water
  • Blend Chia mixture, banana, figs, and carob powder in a blender, adding fig soak water as needed to keep blender moving
  • If using a small Tribest blender (pictured here) add each ingredient a bit at a time until smoothly blended - Enjoy!

Monday, January 27, 2020

How to Grow Sprouts

Growing sprouts at home is so easy! Nutritious and inexpensive, sprouts are full of enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. 

You'll need a wide-mouth Mason jar, mesh top or cheesecloth and a rubber band to secure it, or use the ring part of the lid, and seeds.
Soak seeds overnight in filtered water and drain in the morning.
As they grow the sprouts will gradually completely fill the jar. For a pint jar use 1 tablespoon seeds - for a quart jar use 2 tablespoons of seeds.

How to Grow Sprouts
  • Measure 1 tablespoon of Organic sprouting seeds (I like Red Clover or Alfalfa) and place into a pint-size Mason jar that will hold 2 cups water
  • Pour enough filtered water to cover the seeds, and put on a lid with holes to allow drainage 
  • Leave the jar on the counter overnight - in the morning drain off the water, rinse again and leave the jar turned upside down to drain
  • Leave the jar on the counter but keep out of the light
  • Continue this process by rinsing the seeds 2-3 times daily for the next 5 to 7 days 
  • On the last day place in indirect sunlight to green up the sprouts (causing chlorophyll to develop) 
  • When the sprouts have grown and filled the jar, empty them into a bowl
  • Using your hands to pull apart the sprouts helps to loosen seed husks which can now be discarded
  • Lift the cleaned sprouts and put back into the jar 
  • The sprouts are now ready to eat - place the jar in the fridge - and enjoy!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fermented Garlic Dill Pickles

Fermented Garlic Dill Pickles

.75 Litre - 6” Fido glass jar  
3 cloves garlic, peeled & sliced
1/2 tsp whole dill seed, or leafy fronds
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/8 tsp peppercorns
4 Oak leaves (best for crunchy pickles) or try grape, raspberry, blackberry leaves, or even black tea leaves
2 cups mini cucumbers, sliced (6 mini cucumbers give just over 2 cups)
Brine: 1 Tbsp Himalayan Sea Salt (15g=5% brine), 1-1/2 cups Filtered water

·         Place spices and leaves in bottom of jar
·         Slice cucumbers using #2 on mandolin slicer - add sliced cucumbers to jar
·         Mix water and salt, stir and add to jar
·         Fit mesh screen over top of veggies and push down while folding edges down inside of jar to cover all veggies
·         Add glass weight to hold veggies down below the brine
·         Seal jar and leave on counter for 4 days
·         Taste after a few days and if OK place jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 months max

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Raw Sunflower Seed Butter

Raw Sunflower Seed Butter                      Yield:  approx 1 cup

2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked 4 hours
= 3 cups dehydrated
Small Pinch Sea salt (no more than 1/8 tsp)

·       Rinse the seeds in a colander and dry roughly in a clean tea-towel
·       Place on 2 dehydrator trays evenly spread out
·       Dry at 105º for 10 hours until seeds are nicely dry and crisp 
·       Seeds straight from the dehydrator butter more quickly because they are warm - so quickly move seeds directly into your food processor fitted with the S-blade
·       Add salt (less or more to taste) and begin processing
·       Keep processing the seeds, stopping the machine regularly to scrape the seeds from the sides of the bowl – turning processor off every 10 minutes or so to cool the motor
·       Seeds will go through several phases before turning into silky smooth butter: powdered (quite dusty looking) crumbly (dust forming together), cake mix (lumping together) big ball (one lump of mix may occur) and so on until you get to the final phase when the oil cracks and the mixture appears almost liquid
·       The butter stops rising up the sides of the bowl and appears much more liquid - don’t stop as soon as this phase occurs - keep going just a little more until you get a shine on the top of the mix (this is a layer of oil)
·       Once you can dip a spoon in and it can easily drip off the spoon you have got it! Depending on how much mixture you have in the bowl this can take anything from 15-30 minutes
·       Store in lidded glass jars in the fridge

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Raw Adzuki Sea Veggie Dip

This dip, which is one of my favourites, is an easy way to make healthy food choices part of your daily eats. I really enjoy snacking on this dip with celery, crackers, and a bowl of fermented sauerkraut for my lunch.

Like other legumes, the sweet and nutty Adzuki bean is a nutritional powerhouse that is rich in protein, fibre and folic acid. They are a good source of energy, promote regular bowel movements, and help in lowering cholesterol. 

Nori has the highest protein content of the sea veggie family - 28% more than sunflower seeds. Compared to other seaweeds, it tops the list in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamins A, C, E, and contains very high amounts of calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper.

Dulse is a natural source of iodine essential for thyroid, extremely high in vitamins B6 and B12 as well as iron, potassium,fluoride, and unlike other seaweeds it is relatively low in sodium. 

NOTE:  If you want to add the benefits of fermented foods to this dip, simply use 1/4 cup of brine from one of your ferments - I used brine from Fermented Garlic Pickles.

Raw Adzuki Sea Veggie Dip
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp ginger, chopped
2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup dried Adzuki beans, soaked (1 cup dry = 2 cups soaked)
1/2 cup raw Nori sheets, chopped (about 4)
2 tsp dulse flakes
1/4 cup cold-pressed hemp oil (or EV olive oil)
1/4 cup brine (optional) 

·         Soak Adzuki beans in 3 cups water for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator – change the soak water every 12 hours
·         Drain beans, discard soaking water, and rinse well under cold water
·         Into a food processor, place the celery, lemon juice, ginger, sesame oil, salt and process until smooth
·         Add Nori and dulse and process again until smooth
·         Add soaked Adzuki beans and process for 3 minutes
·         With the motor running, slowly add the Hemp or Olive oil through the feed tube and process until smoothly blended - add brine at this point if you are using

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Cold Frames for Winter Harvest

It is December and finally I am writing this post - but that is OK because now feels like the right time to share this info with you. 

For the first time I am using cold frames in my garden! In the beginning of September I fit three frames inside existing raised beds. Since the bottom is open the cold frame is sitting on top of already prepared soil. They were angled facing south to get as much sun as possible. Pictured here are two and there is a smaller one against the wall of my house. Read more . . .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Moroccan Preserved Lemons

Moroccan Preserved Lemons
Preserved lemons are a traditional North African condiment where the sour and salty flavour adds a distinct taste to everyday cooking - here I am using it Raw Style.

Preserved lemons are rich in lactic-acid producing bacteria, and delicious giving a light, clean flavour to foods, sauces, and they make an excellent condiment. Both the flesh and rind of the lemon become edible once they have been fermented.

2-1/2 pounds lemons, (preferably Meyer lemons)
1/4 cup unrefined sea salt

·       Trim the ends off lemons, taking care not to cut into the flesh and then slice the lemons as if to quarter them - keeping the base of the lemon intact.
·       Sprinkle the interior of the lemons with unrefined sea salt then layer in your Mason jar, crock or fermentation device. Sprinkle with unrefined sea salt then mash with a wooden spoon or dowel until the rinds of the lemon begin to soften and the lemons release their juice which should combine with the salt to create a brine conducive to the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.
·       Continue mashing, salting and mashing until your lemons fill the jar and rest below the level of the brine
·       Ferment at room temperature for three to four weeks, and transfer jar to the refrigerator
·       Lemons can be kept for one to two years