Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dehydrator Getting A Workout

Dehydrator has been working overtime! Since I will be away for the next couple of weeks now is the time to prepare some food. 

Restocking the pantry can be fun, once you finally make the decision to do it! As soon as you start and set things in motion, there is a momentum that builds and carries you forward. You may even turn you into your own version of the energizer bunny.
A section of my pantry. From top right 2 jars of sun-dried tomatoes, red pepper flakes, almond flour, 2 jars of Sesame seed flour, buckwheat groats (left side of pantry with jar of buckwheat groats, and jars of crackers). Bottom right dried chili peppers, baking soda, adzuki beans, sprouting seeds, 2 jars of peas for sprouting, orange lentils for sprouting:

Preparing for the trip I made Buckwheaties (stored in glass jar in the fridge), Pizza crusts (ready for the freezer), and Sweet Potato chips (glass jars in the pantry):

Added 5 trays of Seedy Crackers to the dehydrator. Large glass jars are standing by ready to store the crackers in the pantry:

2 trays of Crunchy Chewy Chunks went into the dehydrator, that will be cut into bite-sized chunks and stored in the fridge when they are done:

Fermenting produce fresh from the garden! Fermented Kimchi, Fermented Green Beans, and Pickled Carrot Sticks. I'll be checking out the Farmers Market hoping to pick up more produce that can be fermented and pickled for the winter months.

Didn't Forget Dessert! Key Lime Tart is in the freezer

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