Welcome to our Monthly Green Smoothie Challenge!
Next month the Two-Day GSC will be on March 18 and 19 - be sure to mark on your calendar!
Organic Pink Grapefruits are available in stores in my
area right now. If you buy a bag a week, you can experience first hand all the nutritional benefits
of eating a grapefruit each day. A juicy peeled grapefruit can be a wonderful
breakfast or even a night time snack, and for a quick nutritious lunch simply combine grapefruit slices with avocado
slices in a dressing of juice from the grapefruit and a bit of agave syrup or honey.
Pink Grapefruit GS
Yield: 1 quart
2 cups filtered water
1 pink grapefruit, peeled and seeded
1 mango, peeled and seeded
1" piece ginger
1 cup Arugula greens
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 avocado, peeled and seeded
When using a less powerful blender, use only the squeezed juice from the grapefruit
First blend together the water and fruit in a high-speed blender
Add Arugula, celery and avocado last, and blend until creamy
Pink Grapefruit Nutri-Tip:
- Losing Weight: High in enzymes to burn fats, high water content, and less sodium. This triple combo is good for increasing your body's metabolism.
- Arthritis Prevention and Antiseptic: Contains salicylic acid to help break down the body's inorganic calcium, and works as a powerful antiseptic.
- Cancer Prevention: Lycopene, a carotenoid pigment responsible for the red colour of grapefruit is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers that works
best with vitamins A and C, which are also found in grapefruit.
- Antioxidants: Can help lower cholesterol levels, but if taking prescription drugs, check with your doctor since grapefruit can interact with certain medications.
- Digestion and Skin: Contains a dietary fibre called pectin that promotes better digestion and is good for healthy smooth skin.
Coconut Cream GS
Yield: 1 quart
2 cups young Thai coconut water
2" thick slice fresh pineapple
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/4 cup young Thai coconut meat
2 cups spinach
Combine coconut water, pineapple, blueberries, and coconut meat in a blender
Add spinach and blend again until smooth
Coconut Nutri-Tip:
- The fat from coconut is considered saturated but it is actually called Lauric Acid, a type of fat which is easily absorbed by the human body and used instantly as energy.