Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 1 - October 2012 GSC

Welcome to our Monthly
Green Smoothie Challenge!

Next month the GSC will be on November 19 and 20 - be sure to mark on your calendar!

This morning, the first thing I saw upon opening my fridge was a jar full of fresh mixed sprouts (when sprouts are fully sprouted placing them in fridge and rinsing daily keeps them fresh longer). Next I spotted some Gala apples and the idea of pairing them up led me to (yes you guessed it) pears!

So this is how Green Smoothies come to life - thoughts appear and the dance begins!

Apples n' Sprouts GS
2 apples
1 cup frozen pears
2 cups mixed sprouts
2 cups water
  • Placing fruit in the blender first makes for easier blending
  • After blending the fruit, add the fresh sprouts, and blend until smooth
  • I used Gala apples - just removed the stem and the whole apple went into my Vitamix
  • If using a regular blender you may want to leave the skin on, but remove the core
  • And if not drunk right away the apples turn GS brownish - so add lemon juice
  • Apples are a source of fiber and pectin, to help your digestive system work at its best, eliminating harmful toxins from your body.
  • Sprouts are one of the most alkalizing, nutritious and easily accessible foods. Rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes, they are easily grown in 4-6 days at minimal effort and little cost. A sprout contains all of the energy, vitamins, nutrients and power that enable it to transform from a small seed into a strong plant. In the sprout stage, its nutritional value is at its maximum (sprouted seeds can contain 400% more protein than lettuce and many times more nutrients).

For dinner I felt like something mellow and smooth - this is what I had!

Arugula Cloud GS
1 peeled banana
2 pears with stem removed
1 peeled and seeded orange
1 handful Spinach
1 handful Arugula
2 cups water

  • Blend fruits and water together first
  • After blending the fruit, add the greens, and blend until smooth
Nutri-Tip:   Arugula is packed full of many vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins A, C and K and folic acid just to name a few. Another great benefit of arugula is its aid in cancer prevention due to various properties. And it is also a great source of chlorophyll which helps to cleanse and energize the blood.

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